©2024 Edo State Government

Official website of the Directorate of Government House and Protocol

The Directorate of Government House and Protocol is responsible to maintaining the dignity, decorum, and effectiveness of government activities and diplomatic interactions. As the administrative body in charge of managing state house and monitoring protocol matters, we play an important role in organizing formal events, ceremonies, and visits by government officials, dignitaries, and international guests.

Our History

There may be a brief overview of the history and establishment of the Directorate, including any significant milestones or developments

Our Mission

Our aim is to provide exceptional services in managing government houses, coordinating official functions, and upholding protocol norms to ensure the smooth administration of government operations and diplomatic relations.

Guiding Principle

Our operations are guided by principles of professionalism, integrity, and commitment to excellence. We strive to uphold the highest standards of service delivery and diplomatic protocol in all our endeavors.

Our Function

In order to accomplish our objective, we take on a
wide range of duties as stewards of protocol such as:

Managing governmental houses, especially the official residence of the head of state or government, to guarantee adequate preservation and operation.

Overseeing protocol matters related to official visits, diplomatic engagements, and state ceremonies to uphold diplomatic etiquette and standards.

Providing protocol assistance and guidance to government officials, foreign dignitaries, and visiting delegations to facilitate smooth and successful interactions.

Collaborating to strengthen diplomatic ties and cooperation with foreign embassies, international organizations, and other government ministries.

Organizing official events, ceremonies, and receptions hosted by government officials, both domestically and internationally.

Manages bookings for Government House.

Advises government, community groups, the private sector and individuals about protocol requirements for special events.